"If salvation indeed comes from God, and is entirely His work, just as our creation was, it follows, as a matter of course, that our first and highest duty is to wait on Him to do that work as it pleases Him."
No student of thought should be without this historic treasury. This edition is provided in a slim volume with full texts at an affordable price.
Four Complete editions in one volume, all by Andrew Murray. Books include: Humility, Absolute Surrender; Lord, Teach Us to Pray; and Waiting on God. Still treasured after over 100 years, these Sermons are as useful today as they were then, teaching the reader methods to be closer to God, from master preacher Andrew Murray.
"If salvation indeed comes from God, and is entirely His work, just as our creation was, it follows, as a matter of course, that our first and highest duty is to wait on Him to do that work as it pleases Him."
No student of thought should be without this historic treasury. This edition is provided in a slim volume with full texts at an affordable price.
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