My parents, other perpetrators, and a priest almost caused me to give up and let the enemy win. Psychological, physical, and emotional damage can cause us to batten down our defense hatches and stay imprisoned behind walls of paralyzed emotions. These walls isolate and worse, block out what we all need...Divine Love. Looking back, I have discovered through my years of journaling, my life went from turmoil, violence, and shame to an awakening, positive path. I was a struggling soul who dug deep into ways to overcome the "stuff" that people, Satan, enemies, family and friends casted my way. God had to harness the darkness, tear away the evil as I climbed out of the abyss.
The hourglass has been tipped over...Satan knows he has a short time... we must turn away from the darkness and muzzle the fire breathing dragon. Join me as I take you through 50 years of abuse, heresy, sacrilege, sexual harassment, near death, suicide and finally, the miraculous.