WILLIAM "BILL" HOFFMAN, M.Ed. is a 75 year old retired CPA, Baltimore City School English & Special Education Teacher, Businessman, a "lover of life!" His Novel, The Real Shawshank, is written about a Young Man who comes of age in the USA's turbulent times from the 1940's into 2018! Which may bring home to the reader the many pitfalls that await anyone trying to pull themselves "up" by their own bootstraps. As Bill's story unfolds, you will learn how Bill survived both not getting drafted into the USA Military the 1960's Viet Nam War by teaching both English & Special Education in the riot torn streets of the Baltimore City. Having survived a desperate young marriage in the 1970's into the 1980's, similar to the movie- "Bob, Carol, Ted & Alice." Handling serious financial needs and wants, earning both His CPA & Teaching Certifications. Which inadvertently thereafter landed him in Federal Prison. Much like the Movie- "Save The Tiger!" First being sentenced to a light 10 year prison sentence at Club Fed Allenwood of "Goodfellas" Movie Fame, then being sent to Oklahoma's El Reno FCI- one Which ended in an unplanned fight for freedom from the U.S. Justice system's efforts to incarcerate Bill literally for the rest of his life. Bill became the Federal Prison Camp Allenwood's Warden's Chief Clerk. Very similar to the Movie "The Shaw Shank Redemption." The reader will live through the wild college years of the 1960's similar to the movie "Animal House!" ZBT Pledge Pig Stealing got Bill suspended. The reader will appreciate the laughs, drama, and Shakespearean "Tragic Hero" episodes! Much like our beloved Movie & TV Series- Mash.