3Nos quedamos sin respuestas al final de
El Contador de Historias. Qui n era Selah? Cu l era el libro negro? Qu conten a el sobre blanco? La historia de Luis Garc a no ha terminado.
Luego de que muere Selah, el contador de historias m s grande de todos los tiempos, le deja una carta a Luis Garc a. En esa carta est n escritas las lecciones m s importantes de la vida, seg n las aprendi Selah. Son una valiosa fuente de sabidur a que ayudar a llegar a la cima a todo el que lo anhele. En palabras de Luis, estas ense anzas son "
pelda os a la cumbre".
Igual que a nosotros en el ascenso a la cumbre, a Luis le faltan pelda os para subir, lecciones que aprender, retos a conquistar. As es el camino a la grandeza. Cuando piensas que llegaste, la vida te sorprende, y no siempre ocurre lo mejor. Pero Selah dej en su carta una escalera con pasos seguros que, pelda o a pelda o, nos gu a a la cima. Los subimos?
Con su particular y aclamada narrativa, Jos Luis Navajo nos sigue llevando por la ruta hacia la verdad de la grandeza. Llegar a la cumbre Luis Garc a? Llegaremos nosotros?
At the end of
El contador de historias, we were left with unanswered questions
. Who was Selah? Which book was the black book? What was inside the white envelope? The story of Luis Garcia is not finished.
Upon his death, Selah, the greatest storyteller in the world, left a letter for Luis Garcia. This letter carries the most important lessons in life, as Selah learned them. They are a valuable source of wisdom that will help anybody to reach the top. As Luis would say, those teachings are "a stairway to the top."
Just as we climb up the stairway to the top, Luis still has stairs to climb, lessons to learn, challenges to overcome. That is the path to greatness. When you think you are already there, life surprises you, not usually with the best. But Selah left inside his letter a stairway with the safest steps to guide you to greatness. Shall we go up?
In his particular and acclaimed storytelling style, Jos Luis Navajo keeps taking us on the path to true greatness. Will Luis Garcia reach the top? Will we?