While most people acknowledge the toll of burning fossil fuels on earth's climate, few consider what will happen when demand for carbon-based fuels inevitably outstrips supply. In The Age of Sustainability Denis Pombriant evaluates and recommends solutions for energy provisioning and reducing carbon pollution that will keep the planet habitable and accommodating to human life. Far from being an unsolvable problem climate change and its solution should be seen as another in a long line of inflection points that have dotted human history. Cracking the problem is more like solving Rubic's Cube than playing whack-a-mole. As in all earlier eras, the next evolutionary step involves disruptive innovations beginning with new energy alternatives and treating carbon pollution as a chronic problem rather than as an emergency. By doubling the amount of photosynthesis planet-wide, we can stabilize climate and provision for the additional billions of people who will be born by mid-century. The Age of Sustainability shows that many the innovations needed to provide workable solutions are already available and that the free market is already adopting them. It also demonstrates how earlier generations have followed a common path to solving the big challenges of their times. This is a hopeful tour of solutions and, most importantly including economic models that will stabilize climate and provide a livable future for the human race.