nts, Third Edition takes readers through the entire proposal and grant writing process-from finding and analyzing requests for proposals to designing final deliverables.
Writing Proposals and Grants (3rd ed.) offers an updated and expanded version of
Writing Proposals (2nd ed.). This new edition maintains what so many readers loved about Writing Proposals (2nd ed.): its step-by-step guidance for each stage of proposal and grant writing, its numerous worksheets and heuristics, and its grounding in time-tested rhetorical principles. Readers of older editions will notice that
Writing Proposals and Grants (3rd ed.) now offers additional guidance for grant proposal writing-including details about writing literature reviews and research methods-as well as new and revised case studies and sample proposals. The new edition also offers advice about integrating generative artificial intelligence applications into proposal and grant writing workflows.
Richard Johnson-Sheehan is a Professor of Rhetoric and Professional Writing at Purdue Univ-ersity. He researches and publishes on communications in science, technology, entrepreneurship, and healthcare. He is also the President of Phronesis, LLC, a communications and consulting company that produces and edits books, articles, and manuscripts in fields related to science, technology, entrepreneurship, and medicine. He specializes in technical proposals, grants, and business models for start-ups. Johnson-Sheehan is the author of several popular college textbooks, including Technical Communication Today (7e), Writing Today (5e), Argument Today (2e), and Technical Communication Strategies for Today (3e).
Paul Thompson Hunter is a PhD Candidate in Rhetoric and Composition at Purdue University. His work has appeared in IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, and Communication Design Quarterly.
Writing Proposals and Grants (3rd ed.) offers its readers . . .
Step-by-step guidance for every stage of the proposal writing process, from early ideation to final deliveryTime-tested rhetorical strategies for accurately analyzing rhetorical situations and creating documents that meet the momentAdditional guidance about writing research grants, including details about literature reviews and research methodologiesInsights about incorporating artificial intelligence applications into business and grant proposal workflowsNew and revised case studies and sample proposals that demystify the processes and outcomes of proposal writing