Through personal losses and working as a grief and loss therapist, I have sat with much suffering. Each person's grief journey is unique. Some things that happen during the grief process are not unique. Wishing for "Do Overs" and "Take Backs" with loved ones is common. Wishing we'd had specific conversations and shared more love is on most people's list of what bothers them while grieving their beloved dead. I want to help lessen these regrets by supporting you in having intimate conversations before it is too late.
I have heard from many who wish they had 9 My Gift to You Joy Bishop done or said things differently. I know I did things differently with each loss I went through. I asked more profound questions. I found more courage to share my heart. I became increasingly more patient and more compassionate. Although every death was difficult and sometimes unbearable, I lived more peacefully and easily because I asked the questions and shared the stories in my heart.
My wish is to encourage you to talk to your loved ones. It will be difficult at times, but no one ever regrets saying I love you one more time and in one more way. Peace and love to you during this time and always, - joy