read for all people. It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness with happiness. All proceeds are donated to Huntington's research. The author wrote this book after his little girl died from Huntington's disease. The author shines a light on why happiness is so elusive for many of us and shows you where to find your greatest joy. The author wrote this book for anyone who is searching for happiness or who is living through pain and grief or who has been afflicted with a hardship that results in sadness and restless nights.
Don't Be Sad: If God wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials. Even though we may like living in sin, difficulty is a blessing in our lives because it makes us realize that we have been leading impure lives. As a result, we turn to the correct and holy path
Don't Be Sad: If God loves someone He calls Gabriel (the angel) and says: I love so-and-so, so you love him. Gabriel loves him, and calls the other angels in Heaven to love that person. They love him, then his love will be made upon earth, and he becomes loved.