Transitioning to university life and student drop-out rates have become major concerns. This informally easy-to-read short manual was written and designed with the goal to make all students successful at any university. It is written for middle to high school and especially university students, principals, professors, teachers, and parents. The content is based on brain research. Having introduced the concept of freedom, the author discusses the importance of setting goals for oneself and practical steps in developing a time management plan to reach them. Disadvantages of procrastinating and advantages of responsibility are addressed. Important times and methods of how to study are given as well as computer use. Based on learning styles, the author discusses portfolios and a variety of methods of how to study both class and textbook notes with special emphasis on organization and including processes of how to efficiently study in groups. Cell phones are briefly addressed. The Manual concludes with Study Guide examples that students may receive from their professors or create by themselves to help them become successful and graduate in their anticipated time frame.