Unleashing Hope draws you into the powerful life of Luisa de Ia Pena Navarro (1886-1937), "Mother Luisita," a petite woman from a small town in Jalisco, Mexico, who devoted her entire life to serving the poor, the sick, and especially the children. She established schools, hospitals, and orphanages at a time when it was against the law to even be a Catholic. Gripping historical events including revolution, religious persecution, and the Cristiada reveal her as a spiritual mother who brought healing and hope. After her husband's death, Mother Luisita answered God's call to establish a new Carmelite community that would "stand in the presence of the Living God, and with Mary make known the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus" to a world suffering the wounds of sin and division.
Unleashing Hope comes at a time in history when the world must reset its moral compass and rediscover the beauty and dignity of each person and the joy and healing that comes through living in