So wrote visionary bestselling author Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J., whose classic book Roots of Violence breaks open the philosophical roots of violence from a Christian perspective. What is the taproot that is causing the metastasizing delirium for violence we're seeing today? It is the attack against God. It is hatred of truth.
The refusal to serve God was the rallying cry Satan used to incite violence and rebellion among the angels as they stood trial in the vestibule of Heaven. Miceli explains that Christ Himself testified that this "father of lies was a murderer from the beginning," thus making the connection between hatred of truth and lust for violence. Christ warned the Pharisees that men who reject God's plan for their salvation are destined to imitate Satan's deeds.
In these gripping pages, Fr. Miceli reveals:
Fr. Miceli further lays out for you how Nietzsche was the prophet who foresaw and foretold the coming of the beast of violence. Indeed, he heralded its greatest commandment, whose faithful practice would create a society of savages. "The time has come," he wrote, "to oppose morality with immorality, to call what priests call good, evil, and what they call evil, good. The time has come for the transvaluation of all values."
Drawing from shocking examples of violence from biblical to recent times, Fr. Miceli describes the significance of these events in light of truth and reason and explains how Christians should respond. You will find the seven conditions for a just war, the difference between violence and terrorism, an appendix with excerpts from St. John Paul II's writings on violence, and more.