6You spend your whole life worshipping God. You're morally a good person, kind to others, and take care of your family. You know because of God's grace and mercy, he sent his only Son to die for the sins of the whole world; so because you believe in Him, you expect to go to heaven. But now imagine judgment day, and you see Jesus. He looks at you and says, "I never knew you, depart from me " After all you've done, how can that be? You forgot one thing. There is a war for your soul And the devil, the deceiver, is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour How better way to capture your soul than to trick you into feeling safe? You have been deceived by the master of deceit So how can you avoid this tragedy? This book will guide you through the Bible for the answers By looking objectively at what you have been taught and comparing it to what Jesus taught. You can find the answer, and you can know that you will have eternal life