Set in events that occurred around AD 116, this book depicts, in fictional guise, the true story of Bishop Ignatius of Antioch Syria, who was condemned to die at the teeth of lions by then Roman Emperor Trajan for refusing to recognize Trajan as God. This story exemplifies the scriptural truth of the limitless power of the Holy Spirit to redeem, through love, its most precious gift, the most hardened of men. Would Ignatius' bold demonstrations of love and forgiveness toward his condemners and tormentors, even those to whom he referred to as leopards, move them to question their commitments to the traditional Roman gods, and, spiritually change their spots? Would Ignatius' example and teachings lead them to rely on his God's promises of abiding comfort and peace in this world and of an awaiting home with Him in heavenly glory in the next? As we struggle with loving and forgiving others amidst our daily struggles, this story challenges us to believe that our own acts and expressions of God's love can miraculously empower and reward us; make our enemies our foot stools; and change the hearts of those who may now operate as our enemies and as enemies of God.