No te pierdas el documental BECOMING de Michelle Obama en Netflix. Cu l es tu camino de transformaci n? Basado en las memorias de Michelle Obama, este magn fico diario presenta una introducci n ntima e inspiradora de la ex Primera Dama de los Estados Unidos y m s de 150 preguntas y citas inspiradoras para ayudarte a descubrir y redescubrir tu propia historia.
"No se trata de ser perfecto. No se trata de d nde te encuentras al final. Hay poder en permitirte ser conocido y escuchado, en ser due o de tu historia nica, en usar tu voz aut ntica. Y hay gracia en estar dispuesto a conocer y escuchar a los dem s. As , para m , as es como nos convertimos ". --Michelle Obama
Al escribir
Becoming: Mi historia, un trabajo de profunda reflexi n y fascinante narraci n de historias, Michelle Obama comparti su propio camino extraordinario para ayudar a crear espacio para que otros cuenten sus historias y les den a las personas el coraje de descubrir el poder de su propia voz. Con este diario, ahora le brinda el est mulo para encontrar valor en su propio viaje personal de convertirse. Impreso en papel crema para escribir, con una cinta de grosgrain, una cubierta con estampado de aluminio y una media chaqueta extra ble,
Becoming: Un diario guiado incluye mensajes estimulantes dise ados para ayudarlo a reflexionar sobre su historia personal y familiar; tus metas, desaf os y sue os; lo que te mueve y te trae esperanza; y qu futuro imaginas para ti y tu comunidad.
La se ora Obama escribe en el diario una introducci n al futuro: "Espero que utilicen este diario para escribir sus experiencias, pensamientos y sentimientos, en todas sus imperfecciones y sin juzgarlos. . . . No tenemos que recordarlo todo. Pero todo lo que recordamos tiene valor ".
NATIONAL BESTSELLER - What's your journey of becoming? Based on Michelle Obama's bestselling memoir, this gorgeous journal features an intimate and inspiring introduction by the former First Lady and more than 150 inspiring questions and quotes to help you discover--and rediscover--your story. "It's not about being perfect. It's not about where you get yourself in the end. There's power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there's grace in being willing to know and hear others. This, for me, is how we become." --Michelle Obama
In writing
Becoming, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama shared her own extraordinary journey to help create space for others to tell their stories and to give people the courage to discover the power of their own voice. With this journal, she now provides you with the encouragement to find value in your own personal journey of becoming. Printed on cream writing paper, with a grosgrain ribbon, foil-stamped cover, and removable half-jacket,
Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice includes thought-provoking prompts designed to help you reflect on your personal and family history; your goals, challenges, and dreams; what moves you and brings you hope; and what future you imagine for yourself and your community.
Writes Mrs. Obama in the Introduction to the
Becoming journal, "I hope you'll use this journal to write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, in all their imperfections, and without judgment. . . . We don't have to remember everything. But everything we remember has value."
These pages will help you capture your own voice and journey so you can nurture your sense of belonging. Inside, you'll find an opportunity not only to take heart in the experiences that brought you to where you are today, but also to feel empowered to take those next steps, wherever they might lead.