Prepare to go way out of the box. Drawing from the old folk admonishment that 'It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun', Uprooted: If the Rabbit Had the Gun presents three power-punched tales that will move all who read them in unexpected ways. Each movement, Smack Dab in the Middle, Did We All Fall Down or Did Some of Us Get Pushed?, and In My Final Hours, presents an independent story of challenges common to the human condition from the twisted perspectives of both the privileged and powerful Black race and members of the oppressed, white, lower class. Woven together, the movements in Uprooted: If the Rabbit Had the Gun fill the reader with vivid, powerful, and sometimes troubling imagery that takes the reader to an alternate reality which eerily mirrors real life in American society, only in reverse. Uprooted: If the Rabbit Had the Gun is a definite must-read for those who crave a fresh perspective on the ever-present problem of racial oppression in contemporary American society.
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