In a society where biotechnology has revolutionized gender, young Fift must decide whether to conform or carve a new path. In the distant future, somewhere in the galaxy, a Staid-gendered youth with three bodies is just trying to figure life out. Fift is struggling to maintain zir position in Fullbelly's rigid social system, which is only made more difficult as ze develops an intriguing--and controversial-- friendship with the acclaimed Vail-gendered bioengineer Shria.
When Fift and Shria wind up at the center of a scandalous art spectacle that precipitates a multilayered Unraveling of society, . Fift is torn between zir attraction to Shria and the safety of zir family, between staying true to zir feelings and social compliance . . . all while zir personal crises suddenly take on global significance. What's a young Staid to do when the whole world is watching?