I felt inspired by the Holy Spirit to write this book, based on my very own experience of not waiting and acknowledging God concerning my mate. As a result of my disobedience to God, I suffered some heartaches and pain. Why? Because I failed to obey God. I was forewarned that the man I would marry was not my husband, but I chose to marry him anyway. Although God will warn us, it is up to us to take heed. Warning comes before destruction. Even before I entered into my marriage there were lies, deceit, and infidelity, but I chose to ignore all the warning signs. That's what happens when that fleshly nature takes over. The worst concept we as single saved women or men can have is that we can change them. Beloved, they have to want change. Only God can change an individual's heart. Be willing to wait, let God give you what you need rather than what you want. Be willing to wait on God, he knows what is best for each of us, after all he created us. Don't make the mistake I did, know that you are worth waiting for. Blessings.