So Micaro gave me this book and told me to write in it. He said I could do anything I wanted, so I decided to write down everything that's happening to me to keep my head clear. After all, a lot has happened and I already can't remember most of my life.
My name is Avian. Well, it is now... I don't remember my old name. I don't know who I was or where I was from. All I know about my past is that I had a smart brother that I had gotten in a fight with and that my family must have been very wealthy. But I'm part of Micaro's Circus now, and I'm going to be going on display as an angel of death.
I have wings. Large black crow wings. I can't remember how or why I got them. Ricaru was assigned by Micaro to be my mentor because he's a kite flyer and knows the most about flight out of everyone else in the circus. Ricaru is going to teach me how to fly, and honestly, I'm a bit excited! Although I know I have a family somewhere that's probably really worried about me, I can't remember them at all, and there's no way I can get back to them... I'm starting a new life now, and tomorrow I'll start living it. And I'll learning if these wings can let me fly!