As a young leader you arrive to work your first day, dressed for success. You look the part. You feel the part. But when a crisis arises, you feel inadequate to make that critical decision that could solve the problem. Leaders at every level face challenges daily. How they address and solve them defines how they are perceived as a leader.
There is nothing that can take the place of firsthand experience. Getting you and your team out of difficult situations, then processing the lessons learned is the best way to become a good or great leader. The problem is, in this fast-paced world, you do not know just how many of those "difficult situations" you are going to be allowed to experience before your boss calls you in for "the talk." The one that starts out with words like, "We really appreciate all of your hard work to this point, but..." We all know what comes after the "but."
This book is a must-read guide for the young leader as you learn your craft and lead your team. Additionally, it provides practical insight that any leader can use.
Author, Gregg Mays has walked in the "shoes' of a young leader facing a leadership crisis but lacking experience. Using real events from his leadership journey, he provides practical ways for leaders to walk in the door on day one ready to lead effectively.
Embracing the K.I.S. motto, Keep It Simple, Gregg provides a clear road map to success. And when success does not happen, he has taught us how to deal with that.
This book is not only good for young, inexperienced leaders. Seasoned leaders will enjoy the stories and lessons learned contained in this practical look at an art form that is not easy to master.