Improving the student's Reading ability has a ripple effect on their lives and others around them. Awaken the genius within your students.
The pages of this workbook were conceived and born out of necessity. I needed teaching materials that would be appealing to junior and senior high students that were lacking in their basic reading skills. There just wasn't anything in the market that I could find that was appealing enough to engage these older students. I started creating my own worksheets, and the Keys to Better Reading Workbook was born.
This workbook was written with older students in mind but could also be used with elementary students that like taking on a challenge.
This workbook approaches decoding skills through a multi-faceted methodology. It emphasizes more the VISUAL aspect as students concentrate on looking for vowels in a word, enabling them to divide the word into syllables. The AUDITORY or phonic support is needed to complete the process of decoding as the student sounds the syllable and the word.
With the enclosed worksheets, I have seen inactive students start taking a proactive role in learning. They were enthusiastic in sounding words, which gave them a newfound freedom. They were mastering the skill of reading.
When I learned that a high percentage of high school seniors graduated with a 3rd grade Reading level, I believed I could make a difference by sharing my materials and publish this workbook.