Remember that you must have an emergency fund for any situation in which it is necessary to have cash. If you want to learn different strategies to reduce your taxes, have more money and therefore be able to have more wealth, then we recommend that you continue reading this book: "Wealth without taxes: learn the strategies and shortcuts of the rich to reduce taxes using Cash Value Life Insurance, 1031 Real Estate Exchanges, 401k and IRA ". In the following book, we will explain what we mean by these terms, what is the benefit of each one, how to use each one, but most importantly, how this can benefit us and help us reduce our taxes and therefore have more money available in cash to spend as we prefer. This will be the path to success and wealth.
Some recommendations before you start: Read the book calmly, take notes if necessary and read it a couple of times. While you are reading, think about what your case would be and how you could benefit in each case. Create lists of pros and cons, see which options will give you more cash and reduce your taxes more. You must take a couple of days or weeks to make this decision. Remember that the choices you make today will impact your future financial wealth directly.