Returning from their honeymoon Mr. Tchinda and Mrs. Angel are enmeshed or entangled in a relentless and never-ending effort to bring an end to racial injustice, police brutality, and killings of blacks and Asians following the rise of the "Black Lives Matter-I Can't Breathe" street protest in which police officers shoot and kill Black-Boy.
Distraught by racial police killings in the streets of America, they resolve to undertake a pilgrimage to the underworld to seek counsel from Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, George W. Gandhi, and other civil rights activists/leaders to find a solution for America.
During their pilgrimage to the underworld, Mrs. Angel receives a prophecy that she will be the first American female president to the Whitehouse. Still, she must compete to beat her political opponent, Jim Crow, and overturn the racial system for new democratic leadership in favor of liberty, freedom, and equality of all races. Mr. Tchinda must also lead a march to Washington, preparing the grounds for Mrs. Angel's rise to power. What happens next?