While at heart a lovingly written memoir, The Man, The Ministry, The Mission is meant as a foundational guide to enlighten pastors, church leaders, seminary students, youth pastors, laypersons engaged in leading and managing local congregations, as well as those seeking a mentor who has years of fruitful ministry and the sharing of best practices. Within the book's chapters, Reverend Dr. Washington explores a multitude of contemporary Church issues, such as how to determine areas in the ministry that need to change, the do's and don'ts of new pastoral appointments, the importance of spiritual formation and Church self-identity, insights into congregational conflict, the significance of articulating a vision, pastoral mental health hazards, the decline in church growth, and how to embrace flaws. He talks about why those working within the Church can experience a disconnect between what God's vision is for the Church on the one hand, and how to use time and resources to develop impactful ministry on the other, and he offers readers valuable practical suggestions that provide for a positive expansion of God's vision. After reading this insightful book, pastors and Church leaders will become more effective in understanding what it takes to develop a healthy congregation.