Dr. Sebi was a naturalist and herbalist that found the secret to unlocking a healthy body. The problem is, the way we live and eat causes an excess of mucus to build up in the bodying. Depending on where it builds up, it will create various diseases. Dr. Sebi figure out that to fix this problem, all we had to do was eat natural foods that alkalize the body. An acidic body is breading grounds for diseases and problems, but an alkaline body makes your body healthy.
Dr. Sebi came up with a diet, which is basically an alkaline diet, which helps to clear out the excess mucus. Some people we will follow his diet for the rest of their lives, especially if they have a chronic disease, and there are some who simply follow his 7-day cleanse from time to time when they feel they need to. Inside, you will learn:
... And much more.
If you have been feeling stuck and simply yucky, then your body is screaming at you for this detox.There are a lot of different detoxes out there, and even some premade detox, but this book is here to provide you guidelines that are easy to follow and recipes that won't require anything fancy. Dr. Sebi allows you to take your own health and wellness into your own hands. If you are serious about getting healthy, or at the very least, cleansing toxins and mucus from your body, then the Dr. Sebi detox is for you. Don't want any longer...