Building and maintaining the modern ball bearing dowsing rod and dowsing on foot or amplified long-distance dowsing from a vehicle is thoroughly explained. Michael John Fercik started dowsing for gold ore veins in 1975 with unknowingly becoming a dowsing savant after figuring out the dowsing physics involved, and this is why he has the natural ability today to write the book that will change the world's perspective on all the dowsing false superstitions with the correct dowsing theories and proven science and physics of dowsing in the modern world. Physical on ground dowsing and long-distance dowsing from a moving vehicle is explained in laymen terms for enabling everyone to understand the physics involved in dowsing while shown how to build your own modern ball bearing dowsing rod and how to dowse and gauge what is being dowsed. Physicists will be amazed that nobody has explained the physics involved in dowsing and how to use dowsing physics with gravity as a gauge for understanding the size, grade, angle of depositing, and depth buried of the dowsed elemental mass. Dowsing specific wording is explained in a glossary of terms for easy understanding and communications of the required dowsing process of eliminations. Whether or not you want to learn how to dowse, just reading and understanding the recently proven physics of dowsing will excite the curiosity of expanding previously unknown physics of the electrical energies involved in the human body interacting with the electrical energies of solid or liquid or gaseous matter through the modern ball bearing dowsing rod.