Lucas Behr lives a life of adventure, traveling to exotic locations for his photojournalism work and to satisfy his own restlessness. Unanchored by familial connections or friendships, it has allowed him tremendous freedom, but it has also left him adrift and searching for something more.
When a chance meeting with a young journalist, Maggie, develops into something more, it seems he has found what he was seekingsomeone with whom to share in the journey. Still, he is restless. Unable to shake the memories of the bridges he has burned, he sets about rebuilding them in his own imperfect way. Some hurts prove deep and difficult to mend, though, while he must be cautious to avoid causing further hurt along the way.
Reconciliation and forgiveness can be hard to give but, sometimes, even harder to ask for. Lucas must first learn to get out of his own way in order to give more fully of himself to others.