Out of having a relationship with God, we worship Him. It's out of our experience and our knowledge that we worship Him. We understand that He is worthy and that it is due Him because of who He is and what He has done in our lives. But did you know that there is a place that God wants us to get to in our relationship with Him that goes beyond just worshiping Him in that way? It is where He literally becomes the source of all things for us. He becomes our refuge, our secret place, our strong tower, and our hiding place. HE is where we run to in time of trouble, tragedy, shame, when we have messed up, in victory, in failure, in triumph, and so forth. It is HE that we bow before as sovereign in the face of all. Where it is in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). HE is the counsel we seek when we make our decisions. HE is the one we lean on for our strength. It's when and where He becomes our all in all (Eph. 1:22-23). It is where we finally understand that HE is in control of our lives and we trust in His ability to do whatever He needs to do in our everyday lives and our circumstances. This is where we leap off the cliff of the mountain with our eyes closed and put the landing in His hands, leaving fear and uncertainty behind but resting in His ability to take care of us. Free from question and not moved by what we see but being led by His Spirit every step of the way. This is that place of total confidence in the God that we serve at the face of all things. What an awesome freedom!