Beginning employment at the USPS, a dubious phenomenon occurred in the work environment that seemed to be stemming from administrative positions. At thirty-two years old and having a poor track record with past endeavors, I knew if there ever came a point in time where I would have to defend my merit, it would be against the word of people who have decades in the postal service, multiple people saying the same thing. With the inclination that I had entered a corrupt environment and the unwillingness to compromise my integrity, I would have to write down in detail every time something happened that affected me and my career negatively. I documented for a full year, and on my first vacation starting 381 days after my start date with the USPS, I began writing a book, returning from my vacation on May 26.
I received a predisciplinary interview. I was thirty thousand words into my novel when this happened. Over the course of fourteen days, I received several disciplinary actions, the last one being a seven-day suspension. The same day, I discovered OIG released a report on June 10 that publicly disclosed the findings of a four-year investigation over stamp count analysis stating the amount of offices that exceeded the maximum order shipments from stamp fulfillment services (12,151 offices in 2018) and how offices were able to hide the additional inventory. It was a feature added in retail system software called "excludable stamp stock inventory." It was a storage unit that the USPS devised to move additional stamps during quarter two of the physical year (Merry Christmas). This feature is what's called a gap in internal controls. It's not monitored, and there is no SOP for administrative action. OIG made this discovery by arresting one postmaster who exceeded the stamp ordering from stamp fulfillment services, transferring excess inventory to excludable stamp stock in RSS, and virtually walking them out of the building, selling them to a third party dealer or on eBay (OIG report number FT-AR-19-0008).
When this information was released, I had caught up to myself in time, and it gave me the last chapter of my book, Bridging the Gap to Solvency Fixing the USPS. It was the broken lightbulb that lit up the entire strand of lights. Louis Dejoy took over command as the PMG the following week, about whom in my book I stated, "He is a Brooklyn Juggernaut, and postal workers will suffer the fate in which we brought upon ourselves. I take full responsibility and maintain my loyalty to the USPS."
I submitted the manuscript two weeks later to a few different publishing agencies which all wanted to sign a contract with me the same week PMG Dejoy began his march forward. The book is to enlighten the public so the mass workforce cannot rise up and stop necessary actions that must happen so the postal service can fulfill a universal mandate of delivering the mail.
It's done. I did it. I didn't get assassinated, and I hope it makes a positive difference for those who choose to do the right thing. That's what it's about.