This book was written to complicate the narrative of the story that sensationalized the confrontation of Ben Wilson and Billy Moore. Billy not only addressed just the confrontation on that unfortunate day but also set out to outline his pedigree, his upbringing, his experience in prison, and the work he had been doing since his release.
Until the Lion Speaks tells of the social landscape that defined Chicago in the eighties. Anyone who reads this book from Chicago growing up at that time will feel Chicago in every line. In fact, Billy Moore has made the city of Chicago as a separate character in Until the Lion Speaks! This is a comeback story, a story of redemption and reconciliation. Hopefully, the lessons that can be learned from Until the Lion Speaks will help young men develop the emotional skills to successfully get past those moments. When confronted with unfortunate circumstances, the lessons in this book can help them make better decisions so they can walk away to hopefully live their best lives!