Sidney Lewis is a young, attractive twenty-two-year-old woman finishing her last semester in college. While celebrating her impending graduation during a beach trip, she meets Lawson Pierson. Sidney is naturally shy, while Lawson is adventurous and outgoing, and the two complement each other well. To no one's surprise, Sidney and Lawson fall in love and begin planning their life together. Believing that she has found the one, Sidney is shocked to discover that Lawson is hiding a dark family secret, a secret that will change their lives forever and lead Sidney to places she never dreamed she would go. Desperate to find a way out of the situation she's in, Sidney turns to a long-time family friend and attorney, Luke Brady, for help. Joining together with a police detective and an investigative reporter, Brady seeks to find the truth behind the Piersons' veil of secrecy, but can Brady and his team get to the truth before it is too late?