0The mystery of the Godhead is indeed a mystery, and there is not enough material written on the subject. In my search I found some material written on God, the son and the Holy Spirit. It was not enough to answer the questions in my mind, proper understanding and knowledge was missing. This book is written with much fear of the Lord, in a prayerful way to Honor the Lord Jesus Christ. Some much needed Honor, since God elected the nation of Israel to be his witnesses in Isaiah 43:10, they failed God because of rebellion and sin. The Church is now given this task Ephesians 3:10 "To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God."I am a simple minister in the church and by this revelation given me by the lord do declare the manifold wisdom that there is ONE God and three manifestations of this true and only God. Hosea 4:2 "Hear the word of the Lord, Y children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land." I pray that you the reader, will find the knowledge of God to be a teacher of this mystery.