0Did you ever wonder... Why the early Christians "met daily for the breaking of the bread", where surely they conversed, but now the people in the pews aren't allowed to talk during the Eucharistic services? Why the Christians felt able to just cancel the Sabbath which the Jews had honored for thousands of years, at God's command, and replace it with a new one? Why, after Jesus had told His Church leaders to go out and preach without even taking a staff or extra tunic, they now live in big buildings? Why, after Jesus Himself prayed that all His followers would be one, they now comprise 33,000 different denominations? Why, if Jesus told His missionaries to "Make disciples of all nations", which means we are all disciples, we aren't expected to do the job of discipling? These and the many other questions in this book can surely be explained by one and the same fact. Read it and find out! Terry Schmidt grew up in post World War II Midwest America, earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy and a master's degree in theology, both from Catholic colleges, and remains a faithful Catholic despite all the problems.