2This is a collection of short fiction featuring a variety of circumstances. The same characters are found throughout the stories. The lineup of work within is varied, leading readers through an array of distinct settings, family dynamics, relationships, action, humor, and more, which keeps the reader engaged. The lineup of work includes longer novellas as a unique approach to the short story collection format. Readers are likely to appreciate the chance to spend longer in these stories. Elaine lives in Southern California, with her crazy grey cat, Princess. She enjoys Bible studies and is very involved with her church, Harbor Trinity in Costa Mesa, California. Her hobbies include reading, writing, oil painting, and photography. She enjoys attending Scottish games and is a member of the Clan Scott Society. She lives close to both of her sons and sees them often. Her adult granddaughters and twin 12-year-old grandsons, Axton and Calton, are the light of her life. She is happy to announce the birth of her great granddaughter, Elise Noelle.