THE LIFE AND JOURNEY OF GOD'S CHOSEN VESSEL: MY STORY provides a chronological account to capture the life journey of Apostle Prophet Patricia Veal-Shannon. Her journey consists of various traumatic related issues that consumes us in this day and time. Meaning, there's nothing new under the sun. Occurring issues were discreetly done during her generation whereas recurring issues are done more openly without shame in this generation. These various issues are rejection, neglect, bullying, molestation, and child/relational emotional, physical abuse. Apostle Prophet Patricia loves the Lord Jesus Christ. She has a passion and a sensitivity for God's people. Under the Holy Spirit direction, she has created a prayer circle called PRAYING MEN & WOMEN OF WAR CIRCLE (PM&WOWC). She is a wife and mother of a blended family of six children. She enjoys spending time with her family an creating God given Vegan meals.
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