2Through studying the timing of biblical events, we gain the great blessing of obtaining knowledge about the life of Jesus. In Omegatime, author Ernest Nickel explores numbers, dates, and times referenced in God's Word and how these aspects of history reflect hidden truths about our Savior, His return, and God's plan for mankind. With thirty-five years of study through the Spirit and the gift of knowledge of God's Word concerning time, parables, and prophecy, Nickel takes you on a fascinating journey of comprehending the scriptural messages God has put in numerical form. From creation studies to uncovering the spiritual meaning of parables, you will gain an in-depth understanding of significant aspects of Scripture, such as how God declared the end of time from the beginning, how Old Testament patriarchs foretold the birth of Christ to the very day, and how important occurrences of Jesus's life happened on the same days. As Nickel reveals many unknown mysteries, you'll realize the connection between Passover, the Day of the Lord, Christ's resurrection, and Pentecost, as well as other powerful dates. You'll even discover the dates when Jesus was likely born, crucified, and resurrected, all through this groundbreaking look at the historical context of some of the most life-changing moments from the Bible. Although no one knows the day or the hour of Jesus's second coming, with a close look at the numbers, dates, and times within Scripture, we can come to a revelation of textual knowledge and wisdom to prepare ourselves for His return. In Omegatime, you will be inspired to embrace the coming of Jesus with hope, assurance, and an awe-inspiring vision of God's glory as you come to know the depth of time-related wisdom within the pages of His Word. I am a retired 72 year old man who spent last thirty five years researching the mysteries in the Bible led by the Spirit and others the Lord has put in my life.