1This book is the true story of an ordinary woman and an extraordinary God, his plans, and his people. The preceding chapters reveal God's mighty, mighty hand as, time after time, he saved my life from *Pol Pot's communism, and from the terrible abuse I went through during an arranged marriage. Though I am ordinary, the things I've written about were not ordinary happenings, and may have been disturbing to read. I wrote about them, not to shock you, nor to draw attention to myself, but to show what God can do for ordinary people like me when they go through things beyond their control. Throughout the world, ordinary people are still going through unbelievable sufferings today. I am convinced, however, from my own experiences, that God is everywhere, always present, working all things together for good for those who love Him, and in my case, even before I loved Him, because He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not to harm us, but to give us a hope and a future! My name is Manith Sanchez (Maiden Manith Khoun) and I was born in Sisophon, Cambodia. I lived in this beautiful country until the age of 19. Never would I have imagined the horrifying events that would take me to the point of no return. But by God's grace, He has given me a life of joy and happiness. I am a wife, mother of three children - three girls and one boy. I am a grandmother of six grandchildren. All of whom I love so much and I am blessed by God to have them in my life. I love to cook. I cook a lot of Asian foods such as, Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Thai just to name a few. I love serving in my church and serving in the community. I wrote this book to encourage people from all walks of life, that no matter what happens, with perseverance and determination you can survive in this world. But most important by having Christ as your Lord and Savior, He can bring you through adversity, and walk with you every step of the way. I am living proof of this.