6A Call to Repentance & Restoration is a personal prayer guide designed to be used in private, small, or large group settings by individuals, churches and organizations who desire to draw closer to the Lord in response to His call to repentance and restoration. Within this personal prayer guide are prayers of praise, thanksgiving, and confession for both the new follower and the seasoned disciple of Jesus, offering specific steps to take in responding to this call. Michael L. Rossmann has been pastor of a nondenominational church in Grand Junction, CO since 2000. He received his BS degree from Arizona State University where he was campus director for Chosen People Ministries. Michael later received a Master of Divinity with honors from Denver Seminary. He has written several pamphlets on prayer, including The Shepherd's Pathway to Wholeness, The Risen Warrior's Way, and CPR [Critical Prayer Resuscitation]: Devoted to Scriptural Praying. He has taught theology and philosophy at Colorado Christian University. He has presented Messianic Passovers and Solemn Assemblies for churches and small groups for over 35 years. Michael and his wife, Kathy, have three grown daughters and six growing grandchildren.