5A "Moving" Memoir of an Eventful Year--2020 In a year of politics and pandemic, a husband and wife, both retired music educators in their late sixties, decided to downsize and move closer to their children and grandchildren. A rather quick decision, this move required fast planning, packing, moving, repairing and accepting unplanned changes. Here is the journal of the wife's facing and conquering her fears through this challenging process, as the God of the universe whispers His loving encouragement into her ear. Elaine Heath Greenwalt is a wife, mother and grandmother who taught music, reading and gifted education in public schools. She plays keyboard in her church's contemporary worship service, facilitates GriefShare, and teaches children's Bible classes there, also. She likes to write, travel with her husband, and dabble in oil painting with her ninety-two-year-old art instructor and her other "Art Sisters."