6God made each of us special in our individual ways and talents, but created everyone in His own image of love and care. Yet, we often struggle to accept these unique traits, quirks, personalities, and God-given gifts, feeling different and wishing to hide our uniqueness to best fit in with what is "normal." In her inspiring children's story, Freckle-Face Susie, author and children's minister, Debbie Scott, tells the story of young Susie, who is sad that her freckles make her different from all the kids in her new class. On her first day of school, Susie feels left out and excluded from all the fun and new friends the other children are making. She even believes they are laughing and making fun of her beautiful class drawing of her favorite picture. When Susie's mother teaches her that God placed every single freckle on her face, just like He placed every single star in the sky, Susie begins to see the beauty and value in her one-of-a-kind and wonderful self. Within the pages of this loving book, unique as each freckle on Susie's face, children will learn how to embrace and accept their valuable differences, and understand that it is often through these God-given designs that they are blessed with their greatest strengths and paths to shine as bright as the stars.