4In The Hungry Snowman, readers are introduced to Peezie, an energetic, inquisitive little girl with an adventurous imagination who is going to celebrate the wintery tradition of visiting the Big Hill with her family. The night before, however, she has an unexpected encounter with a hungry snowman that she will never forget! Inspired during story time with her daycare on a snowy day, author Doretha Oliver invites readers to imagine the scenario, what would happen if a hungry snowman was brought inside? The story also discusses concepts of weather like rain and snow and explains just what happens when you bring snow indoors! Both fun and education, this story is sure to delight readers of all ages. Before she started writing children's fictional stories and inspirational books, Doretha Oliver began her colorful storytelling and writing decades ago for her daycare children at The Happy Face Daycare. She attended Mississippi Delta Junior College, where she majored in elementary education. She has been serving over 30 years in ministry after dedicating her life to God in the early 80's. When she isn't pouring into her youth at her daycare, she is teaching men and women of God how to truly walk in their kingdom authority. The Hungry Snowman is one of her many stories she would tell her grandson as a little boy. Now households all over will be able to enjoy this exciting story! Doretha Oliver now lives in Upstate New York serving the community with her family daycare business, in ministry as a Pastor of Seed of Abraham Ministries, being a great mother and grandmother to her family. You can keep up with the next books and events with Doretha Oliver by liking her page on Facebook and Instagram.