0Liberatore (Larry) Monaco MD is a retired orthopedic surgeon from Rochester, NY. Born in Italy. Came to America at age 11. Husband and Father of 4 sons. On the verge of a promising career with a young healthy family, he should have felt on top of the world. However, something was missing. He had feelings of loneliness and emptiness. His wife led him to a Marriage encounter weekend, where he experienced a spiritual awakening. The faith journey that followed included participating in retreats, renewal movements of the church, and pilgrimages. He volunteered in homeless shelters, with Mercy Ships and among the poor in Jamaica. When his eleven year old granddaughter, Morgan, shared her vision of the cross, he was touched and inspired at this refreshing new look at a cross. He felt called to share it. Morgan and Caroline are students at Mount Saint Charles Academy in Woonsocket, RI.