8Never say never to an open window or door for pass centuries, methodologies, national concern, and differentiation instructure. In doing so, you may have sealed off opportunities to reinstate joy of learning back to broken communities, dominant schools, racial injustice, and authoritative curriculums. Author, Pastor, Dr. Joan Rathe targets her reader harnessing both their spirit and bold dedication, opportunity to intergrate a varied knowledge of new learning, and standards for growth in student instruction. Capturing the fleeting emotion of joy as partner in transit, the reader is drawn into a visual adventure seeking answers, which may prove to be solutions relative to freedom of joy in learning, in justice for all children. The book moves on it's journey using special effects through words, locations, and philosophies. From mountain high heights and through dangerous terrain, the reader is buckled in for one ir-reverisble ride. Strategies, solutions, golden keys, and word block construction keep the reader in suspense up to the surprise ending. Th J Factor proves itself as one book destined to share, and certainly one of encouragement, and well worth reading. Pastor, Dr. Joan Rathe an Ordained Pastor since 2009 is a Boston born strong native of Massachusetts. Presently residing in South Carolina with husband Thomas, her Saint Bernard, Tallie belle Joy and her German Shepard Jeremiah Samuel. Dr. Joan holds a Master Degree in Education and three other Degrees in Music and Education.In addition Dr. Joan received her Doctorate in Management and Leadership in 2009 from the University of Phoenix. Dr Joan is an accomplished Singer/Songwriter and her album Beauty From Ashes by Glory can be purchased from iTunes, Amazon, and additional sites internationally. Her CD single Shattered written for her recent book won 1st place as best Country Gospel at the Acadamian Music Awards in California. Dr. Joan is a CEO of a 501(c)(3) Ministry named Dr Joan works endlessly to promote stronger laws for victims rights in all states.