1Religion: The names and doctrines may differ, but the damage done is the same. Mind control, Brainwashing, greed, abuse of power, fear tactics, lies, sexual misconduct, and mental and emotional abuse. Many of these religious institutions' main goal is to fill their pockets using the Bible as their weapon of choice. This is not indicative of all religions, but there are many, especially mega-churches, that preach and teach falsehoods. These falsehoods have been the downfall of many families and friends and the cause of many ruined lives. Friendships that have been forged over years will cease to exist, brothers and sisters, parents and children, husbands, and wives. Simply because a spiritual leader has declared that those friends and family members could no longer be fellowshipped. Could the eyes of people, young and old alike, see and understand that they are not here to serve a man, but rather God? My story began in Jamaica, immigrated to England, and landed in the USA. Having lived in several countries, I take interest in meeting new people and learning about their country of origin. Knowing one's culture provides a better understanding and fosters respect. Though not a native of this great country, I appreciate the diversity and freedom that it offers (having served in the US Army). Coming from humble beginnings, I feel so grateful for what God has blessed me with: a beautiful wife, three beautiful girls, and five grandchildren (all girls). I have had the privilege of being a pastor, assistant pastor, and held various positions within different church bodies over the years. I received a Master of Science degree in Information Technology and taught college for approximately fifteen years. It is my wish that people will understand and recognize who their God really is.