6Extravagant Love transports you behind the scenes of the unfolding true story of Irene Fournier. Born into a poor family where alcohol-induced abusive behavior dominated daily life, all hope of freedom from personal devaluation, shame, and bondage vanished; that is, until she unexpectedly encountered the immeasurable love of God. In this book you will: - read detailed accounts of divine intervention and protection, including miraculous help at a time bordering on mental breakdown. - learn how she experienced increasing levels of forgiveness, personal healing, and restoration of fractured relationships. - follow her transformational journey of one rescued from the victimization of sexual, mental, and verbal abuse. Irene's story testifies of God's powerful love that restores the broken to a state of wholeness, unconditional acceptance, and confidence to pursue their life purpose. It will inspire those who have been crushed by abuse and dysfunction to hope once again and say, "Heal me too!" Irene Fournier (Th.B.) is a teacher, prophetic intercessor, speaker, and mother in the faith. Her passion is to help individuals come into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and fulfill their life-purpose. Ordained in 1996, Irene has served in local, regional and international ministry leadership roles. She has spoken at conferences in the U.S. and Great Britain and facilitated discipleship and ministry training events in the Pacific Northwest and the greater Washington, D.C., area. Irene and her husband, Tony, live in Culpeper, Virginia, where they cofounded the Kingdom Vision Center. For more information about her ministry, visit