Sherri, an innovative, charismatic, and outgoing mother of one beautiful daughter, born in Ft Riley, KS into the world, found the sense of compassion for others easy for her, and with this passion, burst a longevity career in the medical field. Sherri, always see the glass as half full, for there is always room for continuous growth, for ceasing to learn will sink you into a life of contentment rather than purpose. What started as a hobby of writing, a greater purpose to move beyond the page of her notebook to a journey of encouraging all who crossed her path. Life can have uphill journeys but also low valley trials and through it all, she found the key to pivot while holding fast to the Lord's hand and her faith. We must not allow what happened to us to be a louder voice than who we were created to be in Christ. So as each trial comes, know that it is a steady training ground, with purposed paced steps to accomplish God's will.