To overcome my isolation and distract my mind, I quickly took my camera to the streets as an excuse to travel to new locations to regain control of my thoughts. I had no expectations or long-term goals with this endeavor other than to document my experience and create lasting memories. With each picture I took, there seemed to be a connection, a strong energy, from the people in the photos. I could feel their pain, their joy, their laughter, their struggles. I began journaling my thoughts about the impact those pictures had on me at that moment. From those impressions, this book - "Unmasked" - was born.
UNMASKED, uses powerful imagery, taken throughout the 5 boroughs of New York, coupled with my thoughts presented in a Dr. Suess-like poetic cadence to bring awareness to mental health, equality, self-advocacy, emotional intelligence, and love which is God's highest power of all.
UNMASKED, follows the main character "the Self" (the self represents the spirit or subconscious being with in all of us), on its journey from hopelessness to happiness. The Self travels through age, gender, race and a range of emotions and experiences throughout the pages of the book.
Hidden among the pages are a couple of metaphorical motifs and thematic elements that bring a deeper meaning to the words on the page and enhance the reader's experience.
The "MASK" (a playful poke at the COVID-19 pandemic) is a reference to the "mask" we wear to cover our authentic conscious self, to protect our vulnerabilities or to fit in with society. Masks often lie, hiding our true feelings and anxieties.
The "INNER CHILD". This inner child is defined as a part of your subconscious that has been receiving and storing messages (mentally and emotionally) since birth. It holds emotions, memories, and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future and are represented through the pictures of children in the book.
Thematic Elements:
Duality: (shows how obviously opposite or contrary forces may be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the real world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another)
o Blackvs.White
o Black & White vs. Color o Reality vs. Dream
o Adult vs. Child
o Mind vs. Body
o Smile vs. Frown
o Suffering vs. Fulfillment