licious Story about Making Memories is a delightfully illustrated story which follows a young boy and his whimsical grandmother, lovingly called 'Glammy'. Glammy is a joyful, spirited, and slightly eccentric woman with a passion for manners, etiquette, and the art of taking tea. Eager to share these cherished traditions, Glammy takes her grandson on a fun-filled, interactive day where they explore the enchanting world of tea. Along the way, she teaches him the lifelong skills of good manners and the value of slowing down to enjoy meaningful one-on-one time.
A heartwarming tale perfect for grandmothers and their young grandsons, Tea Time with my Glammy offers a charming introduction to the joys of tea, social graces, and the beauty of shared experiences. It's a story that celebrates the simple pleasures of spending time together, encouraging socialization, openness to new experiences, and the creation of treasured memories.