5In this book, I will explain the basic steps to start an eyelash vending machine business, the potential of the sector, how much eyelashes vending machine costs, the license necessary to start the business, marketing strategy, and the average earnings that you can expect to achieve with this type of business. You will read my thoughts, information from the journal I wrote throughout this process, trials/errors, results and sales. You will also learn my experience of how i made over a thousand dollars within the first two weeks of the first month after placing my eyelash vending machine in its location. I've also included different vending machine ideas other than snacks, sodas and eyelashes. There are many items you can vend, this section will be a treat for you. Also included as a plus I venture into the steps you need to take in starting a business. I am literally giving you information to create a six figure business for a very low cost. BONUS: TOP 10 WHOLESALE EYELASH VENDORS & SUPPLIERS INCLUDE.