Recently, I emerged from my morning devotions in 2 John 1:7. The verse instructed to walk in love and live a life of love. This is what God has commanded. God seemed to give me thoughts about this; what if we LIVEaLIFE led by the Spirit? Fruits of the Spirit live in action. That brought me to Galatians 5-6. We learn that when we sow seeds of the Spirit, both here and hereafter, we will reap eternal life.
These nine qualities are simple and powerful when put into action daily by anyone. These nine qualities can change hearts and change the world. This is the reason the Spirit of Christ is working in us. The book is a simple reminder that we are to LIVEaLIFE of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.
My prayer is that God's purpose for this book is that each person might read it and consistently put these qualities into action. With these simple and powerful qualities of the Holy Spirit, many lives will be changed eternally.
God's words, God's purpose, God's love, and God's Spirit.