ery member of the body of Christ; You are a singer! You are called to sing the new song to the Lord. This is what you were born for. All throughout scripture we see the biblical command to sing to the Lord. But in our performance driven, celebrity culture, we have left this command up to the "professionals".
"Called to Sing" will show us scripturally how we are all singers. It will demystify prophetic worship and show you through practical tools how accessible and attainable it can be. Singing was always meant to be simple.
Diving into scripture, this book will give a brief biblical history of prophetic singing beginning with the first prophetic song recorded in scripture the Song of Moses in Exodus 15 straight through the Hymns of Revelation. For worship leaders in the church, Called to Sing will show us how we can incorporate prophetic singing into our services and what the relationship is between prophetic singers and musicians.
Through scripture and testimony, let this book inspire you to sing the songs from your heart to the Lord as well as the songs on the Lord's heart for His people. SING!